Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hmmm… my first ever entry for my so called first blog. I have other blogs too, tapi mcm tak best lak, coz one of it was my friendster blog. Dah tutup kedai coz I've deleted my frenster account. Tak best. Dah jd facebook addict sekarang.

My yahoo 360 lak, very limited. Not so colourful. Then, fotopages is only about fotoblogging. So, I’ve just had the inner drive to start this blog. But, I would also like to admit that after reading my beloved friends' blogs eg Rhymee Writes, Life Is....., The Circle of Life, Oneself''s Own Enemy, Gift From Heaven, etc.... I am so "encouraged" to start this blog. Well, when i think of it, I used to love writing, sharing opinions, sharing jokes, bla bla bla, but that was years ago, when I was surrounded with all my bestest friends. Now that each and everyone of us has moved one step(s) and/or level(s) (several or many perhaps) forward, I really miss (still am missing) those cherished lovely precious moments together. So now, all those bestest friends mcm suddenly emerge dan mewarnai semula hidupku ini, maka aku pun tidak mahu kelihatan agak ketinggalan lalu terus memulakan blog ini.

Still, it depends on how determined (or how interested) I am, my blog "shall" (ooppsss!!! that sounds mandatory), "may" continue breathing….. Hehehehe…. To my bestest friends and/or sis and/or bros outside there, Dengz, Syila (tho u r here), Kak Long Anija, Ard Hasbi, Ana (Bulat), Eza (makcik Desert Rose), Nazi, Dzack (Iba), Kak Su, Angah (Zeti), Faniz, Ainaa, Ma'ah, Eyda, Suhai (ahh u r also here), Kak Pia, ….. I miss u all badly. How i wish we r all at the same place now…… huhuhuhu… (rather impossible rite?). Please let me know if u ever read this…… Thanx for being my wonderful friends, sis and bro, U are all so dear to my heart…… Mmmmuuuaahhhhh……

p/s Gambar di atas adalah gambar Raya 2 tahun lepas ...... jd mcm2 telah berlaku sepanjang 2 tahun ini, termasuklah penambahan jisim yg ketara.


Mimi said...

penambahan jisim itu pun di alami oleh ku kak..hihi

takpa..yg penting hati tetap sama..hihi...

apa2 pun kak an tetap maintain comel ok :D

Mama Bs said...

I'm here.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Udak, semoga blog kau ni hidup mekar, buat penyambung ikatan rindu aku pada kau bila kita berjauhan ..take care dear, muuaahh..

Anija, said...

aku lupa log in tadi, it's me.. :-)