Tuesday, March 3, 2009


How would u like yourself to be called? Mak, Mama, Ibu, Mummy, Mom, Ummi, Inah etc.? Regardless of how, who and what u r called, if you are a mother BE PROUD OF YOURSELVES !!!!! Self acclaimed dat u r "The Best Mom Ever Created"!!! Don’t worry everyone knows dat u deserve it (I always do!).
Anyway, I’ve been trying to post my 2nd blog, but was so bz with daily routine (usual and lame excuse). Now, when I think of myself, I’ve been married to "the most wonderful loving caring charming" hubby of mine (hereinafter will be referred as my DH) for 8 years. Never thot of becoming Mrs J actually, (thot it was only my dream), as our love romance has its own fairytale story (those who really know me should know how complicated it was) and quite funny (kan Dengz kan? kan Eza kan? kan Nazi kan? kan Faniz kan?). Wonder if it is published or filmed (hahahahahah yerr rite) should the title be "My Hubby My Best Friend" or "My Funny Fairytale" (but m sure dat I always pray dat we shall live happily ever after). Do u think Yasmin Ahmad would like to adopt it and make it her next movie after Sepet & Gubra? Ann….. I don’t think so. (Berangan nye ko…. ya ampunn). Oppss what a long intro (Hmmm..... this is a good idea, I’ll save my fairytale story for my next post, errmm should i? I’ll think of it).

Now that the almost 8 most great challenging years have passed (still feel and think that I’m just married to him (wink wink)), I am so happy and pleased and so grateful being bestowed with two precious notty little boys. RIEFHAN JAWAHEER (a.k.a Abang Epan da Ayah’s boy) AND RADZIEN JAWHAREE (a.k.a Adeq Sepet da Ummi’s joy). My these two precious gifts from Allah (Alhamdulillah) really teach me how wonderful and tough and challenging it is to be a good and reliable mom.

Abang:- "Ummi, kenak moon warna putih masa mlm,tp waktu siang warna kuning?"
(translation: Ummie, apasal kalau waktu malam moon warna putih tapi waktu siang warna kuning?)

Adeq:- "Ummi, kalau di syurga boleh sik mintak toys byk2?"
(translation: Ummie, kalau di syurga boleh tak mintak toys banyak2?)

Abang:- "Ummi, baju Ummi sik cantek la, malar jak pakei hitam, putih, hitam, putih, kenak ummi sik maok pakei baju warna warni?"
(translation : Ummie ni asyik pakai hitam putih jer baju, apasal tak nak pakai warna-warni?)

Adeq:- "Ummi, Ayah padah kamek anak Cina, Ummi Cina juak kah? Mun Ummi Cina baruk kamek maok jadi anak Cina.
(translation : Ummi Ayah cakap Adeq anak Cina, Ummie Cina ker? Kalau Ummie Cina baru la Adeq nak jadi anak Cina)

Ummie, ummie,ummie….. Each and every seconds their lovely voice surround me, my thoughts refreshed and my hearts melted with their cute and sometimes unexpected abrupt words and actions. Just can’t imagine my days without them.

Two weeks ago, Abang was sick for 3 days, I took 2 days leave to look after him. As Abang is quite fragile, I really need to monitor his fever. What more if it is viral fever. (Still remember da time when I was like "insane" for a couple of days when Abang got "fit" on my lap due to viral fever on da way to Miri General Hospital). And 2 weeks ago, 2 of his classmates was diagnosed with HFMD (that was SO SCARY!!!). 3 days later Adeq was also sick, (I think it was contagious). What a hectic long week. Alhamdulillah, everything went under control. When I think of it again, I am so impressed with all Maks, Ibus, Moms, Ummis, Mummys out there who are being tried by Allah with so many trials in respect of their children but can still smile and walk proudly with their pity dear children. They constantly (no doubt lovingly) pay their attention whole heartedly to their children without a single sigh, without complain and of course without regret. As for me, the main point is dat, no matter how good u r, how high ur position is, a mom is always a mom. U have to face it, ur children need u. Remember, "Aljannatu Takhta Aqdaamil Ummahaat". Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu. To my late emak, now, I know, how difficult my life is without u.

This entry is dedicated to my bestest friend, Deng Meem & Gendot Ma’ah and to Lovely Sis Sumi, who are very strong and patient in facing all the challenges and going thru all the pain for the sake of their beloved sons. To Darling Eza, m very impressed with your super mom power !!!!! Congratulations, YOU’RE THE BEST!!! Despite all the toughest works challenges and the great moms’ responsibilities guys are really ROCK! And this blog is also dedicated to all moms dat i know have been very patient and strong despite all the challenges and trials for the sake of their beloved children. I wish I could share the pain with u guys…… Till then….